Waited for Ame to finish her paper and we went to meet with Nikki & Karen for a girls movie day :)
Was supposed to watch some bimbo or comedy movie but ended up all those movies screening time are not convenient to some of us.
And guess what we watched in the end?
"Let Me in"
Go Google for the image/synopsis/trailer because I'm too blardy chicken to even attached the poster in my blog.
It's horror + gruesome + Ewww max factors.
I am still scared until now. fml.
And I dare not close my eyes to sleep yesterday until the sunrise because when there's sun, it means safe. wtf.
I swear x 1000 that I'll never ever watch any horror/gruesome/gory movie.
The last time I watched with Jassy in Melbourne I freaking scared myself for nearly a month++.
Omaigod. I dare not imagine how long this will be in my mind.
The best thing is that movie made me lost my appetite. (Y).
A quick lunch that consists of:
Bubble tea. Takoyaki. Japanese pizza.
Of course lunch is not perfect without princess.
Ame & I.
And lots of failure pictures. lol.
Failure #1.
Failure #2.
Failure #3.
And of course plenty mores. haha.
After movie, the three of us girls; Nikki, Ame & I decided to skip BBQ and chill at Starbucks :)
Chocolate chip frappe, green tea frappe, mocha blended.
Us chicas :)
This is the best I can do with my short hand :p lol.
my bitchy Nikki :)
Went back home after that and was stuck in a jam.
Subang jam is "Awesome" =.=
Ame came over to play with me! :p
Ame loves DooDoo :)
And exercise after nom-ing Maggie Mee for dinner at 10plus :O
Heart to heart chat with her and I feel better :)
Slumber party soon! :)
Talking with bestfriend is better than all all therapy