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Showing posts with label love. Show all posts

Compilations of pictures

A compilations of pictures on Amelia's wedding ceremony :)

Amelia + Edwin's Actualy Wedding Day

Congrats my dear Amelia. Wishing you and Edwin happiness and till death do you guys apart :)
Years of your ups and downs relationship, witness you through happiness and sadness. I am glad that you share with me your special day and involve me in :)
And as for you both, the next chapter begins :)

Video by Keng's Cinematography

My drugs

My daily dose of drug is meeting up with my mui Nikki.
It's been awhile since we last met up! The last time was if I'm not mistaken in February! :(
When I'm free she's not and when she is I'm not.
So yesterday we both finally able to make time for each other! :)
Met up with her yesterday at Scott's Garden.
I love Scott's Garden environment :) It is much more nicer than Giza.
We girls chose Idarts Hex instead of all others bar. The rest of the bars like Movida, Overtime etc, we have it in Giza ma. Why want to go back to these when we are here at Scott's Garden already!
The boys open tower while I went to tapau Chatime :D
Ok la. Im not supposed to drink Chatime but it is much better than drinking beer right!
When you have too much beer, you will have beer belly and it means you need to work out more!

The lovely couple! :) 

my little mui *loves* 
Can't wait to try the Guiness shot with her! :D
Catching up with her is always really catching up. We talked for hours and gossiping and all =)
Aah i miss girly day/night out!

Caught staring at pretty girls (=.=)

And my resolution of not drinking beer fail because Ivan came over and our second round was at Movida.
Been hanging out with the ex bf, Ivan  a lot lately. Hmmmm..
Because I am planning for his wedding! :D /excites
Can you believe it?
5 years relationship with him, 1 years plus of not talking to him, and best friend with him after that until now
The best part is I know he will always be there to help me or cheer me up whenever I need it =)
Now, mature guys can be best friend with the ex okay! :)

Okay bye. sleep time! 

Age is just a number!

I just turned (blank) last Saturday!
Please wish me. Hahah =P *thick face*

I had the best celebration ever! =)
Was feeling a little depressed a week before my birthday.
Firstly, age la
Secondly, I thought my friends forgot about it =((((
But scratch that, my girls remembers and not forgetting my colleagues! *happy smile*

On 17th February, a day before, had a lunch celebration with the managers and modern trade department. 
3 hours lunch break! only applies in my company haha.


And dinner with the "younger people" in the company. haha

healthy eating after a heavy lunch =)
Smoked salmon on toasted multigrain with salad =)

February babies =) 

thank you people for making the two feb babies happiest person that night =)
Thanks for dinner and cake! 

And movie at Gold Class GSC :) 

On my birthday day itself, I woke up with a bad cold and sore throat. #fmlmax =(
But nothing can spoilt my mood! haha

Woke up to surprise delivery!
I love sunflowers! :)
Thank you Ivan =) You still knows me best after years of being apart! =)

And of course nothing beats pampering myself =)
You gotto love yourself before loving others 

No nail arts this time around.
Just normal classic =)

Dinner was spoilt for choices!
a). La Risata
b). Lafite.
c). Little Korea.

Guess which one I ended up choosing? :)

Yups! Mad Craving for Korean food =)
 Kimchi. Kimchi. =)

Seafood in bean paste soup.
It is good for those people that can't take spicy food =)

This is orgasmic! :)
Spicy and lots of seafood. Just the way I like it =)

Didn't managed to take picture of BBQ food.
Gobble down before I managed to capture it *ops*

And the best four surprises I had that night.

1. Customized Hello Kitty cake.

Too cute to cut it =(

2. Limited edition leather longchamp bag! :) I am always a bag lover! =)
So please get me bag  if you ever want to get me a pressie =P hahah

3. Every girl's favourite color =)

4. Catch up with my muimui =))

Not forgetting all these gifts

Who said birthday celebration needs to be celebrated in a club?
ok maybe I am too old to go wiggle wiggle in the club =(

And I am down with fever and flu and sore throat =(
loves all.

Best Xmas Ever!

Last year Xmas Eve I think I stayed at home.
As most of my friends are in a relationship.

But this year Xmas I had the best celebrations ever! :)
Starting with breakfast gathering in office on 23rd.

And home cooked Nasi Briyani from colleague! 

Thumbs up!

And headed to BBQ after work!
No pictures because too busy eating. wtf #fatdieme
I love BBQ food! But I only eat fish balls and sausages heheh

And 24th started off with pamper myself day before heading out.
Hair wash + massage + mani pedi. 

Xmas Eve dress :)
Wore a long sleeve wrapped dress! 
Super loving wrapped dresses :)

And off for movie at Cathay! 
Finally watch Mission Impossible.
Slow but steady ok! :p
Awesome movie! :) Loves the cars *drools* I am such a guy sometimes. :(

Dinner was at Ben's General Food Store, Bangsar Village II.

Lemon lime milkshake *i think that is the name lah* lol.

Mushroom lasagna with a side salad.
Picture don't do justice! 
It taste way better than it looks!
As they say, "dont judge a book by it's cover" :D

Breakfast pizza! 
*thumbs up* :)

Even with two dishes, we couldn;t finish! 

This was when we were extremely stuffed to the extent we were on the verge of puking all out :p

After dinner, headed to Genting for another celebration.
Bumped into so many familiar faces.
No fireworks though as it was raining heavily :(

Exchange present after midnight and I got this! :D 

Ok lah. It is not something new in the market but it apparently it sort of replace the previous one.
With added features like gps location and some sort like DLSR whereby u can turn the front lens.
I dunno lah. Lol. Have yet to explore. 
Now, who wants to take more pictures with me? :)



And something I been wanting for very long!
Stupid. At first it was wrapped with layers and layers of wrapper and newspaper without paper bag.
And I thought wtf empty box ah!
Manatau! Omaigod! :D

On Xmas day itself, I slept until 3-ish pm!
How awesome! :) 
If u know me pretty well, I loves to sleep. Even my colleagues know!
Kathryn is a sleeping queen! ftw! haha

Yumcha with Kah Choon and Kenji at Black Ball, Uptown.

Signature dessert.

Fresh milk with grass jelly. 
I told them 20% sugar and they gave me half! freaking hell.
Just cause I dont speak mandarin! 

Xmas outfit! #maxi dress

Merry Christmas from the donkeys! *internal joke* :)

with my little sis! :) 

Ken and Nik. :)

Everyone loves the bear I got for Nik :)


baby Ethan! cutest baby ever! 
omaigod. Maternal instinct kicks in! :)

Awesome xmas party at Nik's  :)
I have the best Xmas celebration.
I hope you all does as well :)
Argh back to work tmw! :(

150cm :)

Got lil sis, Nikkiyap a 150cm bear for her birthday! :)
Was scratching my head on what to get for her!
The girl that has everything.
All the designer bags.
And the one she wants I can't afford. :(

Consulted her boyfie and he said she loves soft soft teddy bear :)
Got her this and she loves it very much! :)
Task accomplished! :)

Happy birthday lil sister.

With Nikki 
Many happy returns :) 
love. hugs,

All it matters...

It's having endless hours talk with Nikki :)
Headed down to Klang to find her last Saturday.
No HA.
No party.
Just a normal Starbucks session with my favourite little sister :)

We can go on talking for hours and hours non-stop and yet there's so much to talk :)
Meeting up with her always make me gained weight T.T




Love times like this..

February updates! lol.
Yinz planned a small dinner on the 19th February! :) 
She organised the location, fetched some of us and callings of everyone!
Thanks dear :)

Dinner was at Hanazen Japanese Restaurant, Jaya One
The food there is pretty awesome. But then again most Japanese food all taste the same.
Maybe it's cos all from the same company or somesort.
i.e: Sushi Tei, Sushi Zanmai, Rakuzen etc etc..

Because no one loves words anyway!

A quite blur picture of the girls *minus Jassy* :( 
Picture taken by Edwin's creativity :o
Blur but thank you for that 'creativity' :o

Couple fighting and me busy body listening .___. lol

Smile too big until my face look EXTRA chubby :l 
With the couple, Edwin & Amelia

my cayang! :D
Am so happy mappy for you dear! :)
Especially when you told me, it felt like as if my daughter's marriage ;p

baobei yunnie :D
my counselor for Free!
Anyone else need to pay money alright! :p
Hope my baobei is doing awesome possum in US now! :)
you deserve lots of happiness :)

with Ame :)

my left and right hand :)

Jassy finally reached :D :D
So nais of her to rush from church to din with me :)
The girl that taught me to :
Anger > sadness = happy!
And us having same goal and aim! :D
I'm so happy that you are well taken care of :)
And please not fat ok -.- lol

yunnie, yin, pua

And here comes my favorite pictures!
Food :D

Sashimi set :)

Side dish: Salad that comes with the set.


This is the awesome orgamisc dish! :D
Seafood Udon! 

It's so nice that these two girls are stealing it :p

vain picture of me!

my cayang! :) hehe
Thanks dear for everything! :)

Bye for now :)

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