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Showing posts with label life. Show all posts


Had it just felt like it is still 2012?
How did 2012 passed by so quickly? 
It is already the 3rd week of 2013! 
Age seems to be catching up on me :(
Every year since 2011 I've been making resolutions so that I can improve and of course motivate myself to be better each year :)
Crap. I think I didn't managed to achieve much of my 2012 resolutions. 

1. Don't give up chasing dreams. And I did! :) I stepped out of my comfort zone and took up a brand new job challenge. Not really my dream but it is a start of something new and perhaps a step closer to my dream :)
2. Save money. On-going haha. And yes I did bought something I've been eye-ing on for years. Finally save enough to buy it! Very proud of myself eventhough a lot of people said it is ugly. Oh well. Haters gonna hate right? 
3. To be healthy and have tone body. Maybe not that tone yet but yes I increase my amount of time in the gym. Love the adrenaline rush of exercising. :)
4. Control my temper. And indeed I did! :) Maybe a little too control that I'm being taken advantage of at times man. Crap. Sighs.
5. Be more spontaneous. Does planning for a trip to Legoland, JB a week before we were supposed to depart spontaneous enough? Not forgetting that it was only Nik & I that went all the way to JB. Guess that was our little adventure! :D 
6. Learn how to bake. Yes I did too. I took up baking lesson to achieve some not so hard baking things. *proud* 
7. Do something unordinary. Hmm I think I didn't managed to achieve this. This year I am going to take this out. Because I don't even know what is unordinary :(
8. Take up a language course. Didnt managed to achieve this :( This year I will. Maybe Mandarin lesson? 

So what is my 2013 resolutions?

1. Traveling. 

Always will be my dream to just take a break from work once in awhile and escape KL. 
Doesn't have to be really far. Somewhere near will do as long as I had the best companion :)

2. Forgive but don't forget. 

I need to forget what other people did. Because forgiveness is something that every individual should do for themselves. Not for others. :) But never forget. Remembering taught you life lessons :)

3. Always have dreams.

Dreams. Everyone should have it. Without dreams you are just a hopeless mankind. So always have dreams be it big or small. Dreams are a way of telling yourself you can do it! :)

4. Be selective.

I must practice this everyday, every second from now on wards.  Sometimes being TOO nice leads to disaster. I got to learn that I can't be there for every single person. 

5. Learn to love and not afraid to be loved.

I always afraid to be loved. Everytime a person gets too close to me I will do something stupid that spoils everything. So this year I vow to not be afraid to be love. :) 

Have a great 2013 everyone! :)

3 Magic Words

It's already the second week of 2013! 
How time flies! 
I've been sick since a few days before the end of 2012. 
And now my sick just got worse. 
High fever, flu, sore throat, cough and swollen eyes.
2013 didn't start off quite good for me :(

Saw this post at Jane Chuckei's blog.

Find the first 3 magic words. 
And practice it for the whole 2013 :)

Mine is:

Love, Beauty, Humour

So what is your magic words? :)

Worn out

Down with fever, flu, sore throat again.
This time it is even worse. Has a huge ulcer at the corner of my mouth.
And it looks like I have a swollen cheek (-.-)
I can't even talk properly and not forgetting can't eat solid food! 
The only thing that keeps me going is liquid food. 
Example milk, oats all liquid things la. 
You get the drift!
It hurts man :(
Please let me recover soon. This week is going to be hectic for me.
With strategy paper due, meeting with big boss and also planning for my babe wedding this coming Sunday :(
Give me strength or at least get my freaking ulcer out! :(

Never the less, I am the first few to watch Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2
Was down with bad cold and fever but nothing can stops me from watching Twilight :)
Got free tickets and invited my sister, Nikki :)
And asked her to invite her colleagues :)

Water retention face (-.-)

Great night indeed.
ok back to thinking and thinking.

The Last

Who, what, when, where and why.
A touching story on true love. 
I need to find my 6th lover as quote by Sabrina Tee

Happiness and sadness

Going to blog this day and date down because I want to read back in years time and remember every single thing that happen on certain days and dates. 
Last Thursday, 9th August, I truly experience both tears of joy and sadness.
Tears of joy is because after close to 8 months, I took a step out of my comfort zone and do something challenging. Indeed it will be something that will take up most of my time.
No more flexi hours or going in and out anytime I want but...

I don't want to live through life with regret; not knowing the outcome of the IFs.

Tears of sadness is.... 
No longer having them nearby me. 
Aah comfort zone meh. 
I am sure everyone faces this issue. The issue of stepping out of comfort zone.
But nevertheless, I always believe that life is full of arrivals and departures.

People actually call us the Siamese twins.
Why! Because we both go everywhere together.
When I said that it means really everywhere together.
Toilet, smoke, eat, buy food.
Everything la :)
See. We even have the same smile. wtf haha.
We even try on crazy fad diets together /teary eyes

and my angels ;) 

The noisiest bunch in the office. haha

Thank you katy for the wonderful gift ;) 
It's funny how we got close. 
From doesn't really talk to each other to being clubbing kaki to smoking kaki to everything :)

Seriously. All my close gfs all stay dam far! (-.-)
Klang, Subang & now Ampang :(

Fei Chai younger brother Adrian
He address me as fei poh anyway! So i think i deserve to call him fei chai (-.-)

the eating group :X

the k-pop guy in the office.
Woah my eye bags and dark circle are......speechless :(

Okay. Time for some drama catching up.

Little Note.

Forgive me god for I have sinned.

Bet the title shock a lot of people.
It's like as if I did something bad and illegal. haha
For I am, I did to my body.
Sinned my body wtf.

This weekend I have double up my indulgences! :(
I tried to detox in the morning by having...

Morning detox.

But this detox goes down the drain during tea time :(

Head to Pavillion *favourite shopping mall* :D
see how not to be broke. fmlmax

Had some desserts and tea before dinner :D 

Tried the famous japan bakery that everyone is raving about.

See! so cute. My Hello Kitty latte :D
Latte for RM10.90
You can ask them to design Smurfs, or any cartoon design,
But being me everything got to be Hello Kitty :D

Raspberry fruit tarts. 
Not too bad. Not too sweet.
If only they don't have that much whipped cream :S
I hate anything that has whipped cream.

There is other desserts and pastries that I would definitely try the next time I am there.
Go try it! :)

En Ginza cafe,
Tokyo Street Level 6 Pavilion.

After this round of desserts, head to another Hong Kong snacks.
Been wanting to try this since I saw it last time in the shop and also when I saw it in all the TVB shows

Osmanthus snack!
I always see this in all Hong Kong TVB shows!
Tried it and uhm a little disappointed with the taste :( 
Boo. But nevertheless at least I tried it! :D
It's RM5.80 per piece.

You can even tried all the dim sums in :

New Shanghai,
Level 1 Pavilion Kuala Lumpur.

And checked out some stuffs. Walked around.
Boo been wanting to get the Ipad in white.
But everywhere out of stock :(
Sighs! So disappointed! :(

Okay back to food post:
Dinner was at:

The famous Grandmama's restaurant that people been tweeting about it :)
If you know me I always love fish head noodle :)

Shit feeling hungry even by blogging about yesterday's food :(
ya today start detoxing again. Only had two corns and a cup of coffee for breakfast.
And am so hungry already.maybe i should snack on fruits :(

Okay restaurant name is:

Level 6 Pavilion Kuala Lumpur.

That's not even the end of me eating! :(
After movie, headed to McDonald Centerpoint :(
And has this! 

fts. I feel dam fat even by looking at the pictures!

Tmw needs to gym more :(

end with a vain picture of me! 
fuck so fat already! :(

Long Long Weekend :D

So last weekend was a labor weekend.
Long weekend off. 
Supposed to head to BKK but due to tsunami shit, my dad got freak out and forbids me to go.
Tickets burn off. thank god not my money.hhahaahhaha.

So I spent my long weekend the usual routine.
How boring!!! 
Usual routine = eat and eat and eat and eat (-.-)

Friday was spent in Klang, attending god knows what seminar.
The worst part, everyone in that seminar speaks canto and mandarin with a lot of proverbs.
And yum cha with my little mui after. How can I don't find her when I am in Klang right? :)
Got lost for the second time yet again =( 

And Sat was spent having Thai food for dinner with them... 

Ame, nik, moi.
My sisters :D 
Congrats Ame :D So excited to be your jimui! :D 

Tried Sawadee, Klang Botanic Park.
Somewhere there la I can't really remember also. 
That thai food was not too bad. Spicy. But the worst part was, Nik & I were a little rushing for our 830 movie.
The food arrives at 8pm! 
So we rushed off to finish off our food in 30 mins time! 
And ended up late for the movie :( 

Sunday was spent heading to Publika to check out the fashion bazaar!
Saw so many things to buy but so broke. fml.
Every end of the month also broke broke broke :( lol.

Casual outfit for a hot Sunday afternoon! :(

That Sunday was extremely hot! Ugh! Can't stand too hot weather!

Ugh. Totally hating that I gained weight as compared to how i look when I was working with my previous company!
I need a stronger determination!!!!

Had this to cool down my body! :(

Fish head noodle for dinner.
The best is still in Win Soon :)

On Monday for lunch, I finally tried the bakery cafe I always wanted to try since I read it in some food blogs.

Outside view :)
The Bread Shop.
Credits to : IJustWanaEat

As soon as you entered the shop, you will be greeted by freshly baked bread.
Dam heaven smell to me okay!

Freshly baked pastries =)

Tuna Croissant with lettuce, cheese and tomato.
Dam good! the tuna is mix with pepper, lemon and some other spices :D

 I forgot to take picture of my scones and tuna bread :(
So this picture will do.
Ordered scones and tuna bread :D
Please be aware that the jam and cream are not complimentary.
So if you are most probably not gonna eat it, REMEMBER to tell them =)

And dinner was Thai food again! :D
Seriously I can stay in BKK forever and ever! :D

This time we tried it at Ahroy Thai Cuisine in Puchong :)
Thank you Ivan for accompanying haha.
I swear guys are lousy in eating spicy food (-.-)
Seriously! I drank the whole pot of tom yom soup because none of them can drink it!!

And Tuesday on a public holiday I woke up dam early to gym! :)


That sums up my long weekend.
I enjoyed my long weekend.
Do you? =)

Change is good :)

I quit my previous job in January 2012.
Decided to venture into another company.
Job title is less glamorous than the previous job title.
But then same pay, much better environment and it is the industry I always want to venture into.
And i think I made the right decision and choice.
I am much more happy in my current job.
That I don't even dread to go to work everyday.
Scratch that. Maybe i do. Cos i love to sleep =P haha

The last day of my previous job, Jo An baked me a home made cheese cake! :)
Strawberry cheesecake with oreo base and kitkat chocolate =)

It is indeed blissful to have her as a friend and colleague. 
The trouble she goes all the way just to make my last day and my employment days in the old company.
Indeed it was a happy journey =)
Who said friends don't appreciate what others did?
And there are still some friends that appreciate what you did and shows gratitude =)

Trying to convince her to join my company!
And we shall conquer the mall =)
Never fear to make changes in life! =)

What is your 2012 resolutions?

Another year has passed again! :)
Let's reflect back 2011 resolutions! And make new ones!

2011 resolutions:
#1: Be more active ..    I joined the gym for yoga and personal trainer and dance classes! and also reunite with plenty of friends. Less anti-social :D
#2 Dont give up chasing dream. *still trying to achieve that* :(
#3 Live a healthier life   And yes i did! no much on junk foods and much more healthy diet! :)
#4 Save money My 2011 resolution for this was to get a camera and I did even though not with my own money lah :) Special thanks! :)
#5 Lose weight  I did!! dam happy! i is 46 kg now! :)  3 more kgs to go! :)
#6 Traveling *really wanna go Japan ,Korea and Taiwan*
#7 Cut down on caffeine  I did this too! only one cup per day! and on occasion days where im super sleepy!
#8 Learn how to bake more *Making more bake dates with nik and karen.*
#9 Take up course * still deciding on what course to take* :)

Achieved 5 out of 9 resolutions for 2011.
Not too bad! :)
So what's my 2012 resolutions this year! Hmmm.
Been thinking really hard for my 2012 resolutions... and finally some came into my mind.
Time to list it down and lets say i how many I can achieve for 2012 when it is the year 2013. 

2012 resolutions:

1. Don't give up chasing dreams. Continue on for this as I missed out on this in 2011. Hopefully I will achieve this before 2012 ends. Always have that coward side of me whenever it comes to this! Missed out two opportunities in the year 2011. Cross fingers to give myself more courage to achieve this! :)

2. Continue to save money. Yup need it to get more properties and investments to double up my incomes! :) $$$ comes to me! :) And of course some other designer stuffs ;) Working in Malaysia sometimes is shitty! Low income, long working hours! But oh well, if you have the determination to do it, you can :)

3. Travelling. I is going Taiwan mid year and BKK end of the year! :) So happy! Finally get to visit Hello Kitty cafe! :) People that been to Taiwan please suggest places to eat/see/shop! Thank you! :)
*oh and please suggest where I can get pink luggage like the pictures below* :D

4. Learn how to bake. Yup! Now I make a once a month date with Nik and Karen for our baking session! :) Nik's mum is an awesome baker! So gonan steal some tips and tricks from her! :) Don't you all know the way to a guy's stomach is through his heart *wink* haha. And I really wana make cupcakes bouquet! :)

Cute isnt it? :)

5. Take up language course. Planning to head to Beijing for Chinese course :) or maybe just take up a brand new language :) Time to brush up my knowledge :) And not just the basic English and not so good Cantonese and a little rusty Bahasa Melayu :p

6. Continue to be healthy and toned up my body! Sexy body comes to me soon! :) I see so many hot mamas around lately that it puts me to shame! I is still young and my body is not as toned as them! How can! :p So this year is try to exercise more :)

7. Control my temper! I know right. This.As.Resolution? Yup. I always have anger issues. Opsie. Not on friends but on other half and family members. I get pissed off and irritated easily. *shy* So this year I vow to control my temper and anger better! Try to count to 10 before i let off my steams! Not easy as this is my character. But am going to try my hardest!

8. Be more spontaneous. I know this sounds tedious. But I always always plan things even when a simple yum cha! Always overanalysed things and tend to throw tantrum whenever a small minor glitch. So this year I tell myself it's time to be more spontaneous!

9.  Do something unordinary. Something that I will look back and tell myself, "WOW. I actually did that" :) Who knows what I will do. Of course something legal ok. I wouldn't want to think back when I am in prison. wadaffak. So let's say what 2012 will bring to me :)


Excited to see what and how many resolutions I can achieve this year! :)

Hello 2012!

A brand new year!
Time to bid 2011 good bye and welcoming 2012.
Wouldn't say I am too excited nor too pessimist about 2012.
Just normal :) Life goes on! :)

2011 was a year with ups and downs. I would say mostly ups! :)
Managed to make the 'rents proud :)
And of course got closer to some of my girlfriends. :)
Of course, emotional downfalls will always be there! :)
Spent more time with the families and of course earning and surviving on my own two feets.
Gah. Bills :(

Nevertheless, cheers to another brand new year! :)
Bring it on 2012.
Be nice to me :)

Bye 2011 :)

Next post! Resolutions! :D

Childhood dream...

I absolutely adore....

Hello Kitty :)

With Karen :) 

Decor in Pavilion is beautiful :)
Do check it out. 

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