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Showing posts with label rants. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rants. Show all posts


The past weekend was quite an emotional weekend for me.
Like super emotional. =(
Literally breakdown at every single thing.
Halfway doing my work also got tears.

Too much burdens =(

Smile to hide the fears and laugh to hide the tears.

But am fine now. Learn to appreciate what I have and be grateful about it =)
And still learning to differentiate my "wants" and "needs" =)

How do you de-stress yourself? :)
I head to the gym because retail is too painful for me :p
*paying own bills* =(


I am sick....

Not love sick.

The stay in bed until wanna die sick. :(

But my appetite is still incredibly large -_-
Been having oats and oats and oats all day long.
Grrrr. Dam tasteless :(

Foresee I will take plenty of MCs.
Maybe I should live a tai tai life lah  :(

I've been rethinking about me going Aussie next year to study :) shit.. deadline is at 15 september... so must think about it carefully ...
But..but.. if I'm accepted, then i would leave this familiar place....
And of course, im gona miss Kelly Jelly, WenZ so muchhh.... and of course Jason Lim lar... =P Leaving here and going to Aussie might be an opportunity for me... to be independent.. to expose to new environment.. the hot aussie guys *drools* haha....

On something not related , i finally can prove that guys are really really bastards and jerks...
Not all guys.. but most of them... most of the guys i know are anyway...
Some guys are so fcuking mean that they are not good at dividing their tasks...
I dam kao hate these kinda guys.... dam fcuking annoying ......
I thought it will be different........ but i never knew that im back to square 1.........
i hate the disappointment that washed all over me now...
i hate the fcuking anger inside me now.....
i fcuking hate those guys that did such things..
Sometimes, those lil promises that may seem meaningless to these guys might seem meaningful to the party involved.........
Just remember to put yourself in the shoe of the party that's involved and you will know how it feel.. if you don't, then just fcuking go fcukk off lar...
dam fcuking no heart ........
fcuking annoying.... fcuking disappointed....................i really am....... maybe i should't be.... like what some said, "already expected wan rite"
yea... maybe... they are right... but stil....
call me whatever u wan; kecil hate, emotional... but if you put yourself in my position.. you would feel a lil like me....... dam! i mustnt let people take advantage of me anymore !
cos its so dam fcuking dammit !

GosH ! Finally, Marketing Test is over with a capital O !! what a relief to my ears... but  money and capital assignment due soon... -_-"" nvm... got sherman and ben... hahahaha =P I almost fall asleep in marketing test today... eh, it was at 6-7pm lar! wat do u expect? =P And Sherman was super mean to me today! Gosh... wait, he's mean to me everyday ! -_-

Supposingly to meet up with KeL and Vonnie for ice-cream today in Swensen.. but i guess i forgot to reconfirm with them about it.. Sorry !! :( I went with Wee the buffalo to Swensen after my test end... had banana split and salad ;) didnt had earthquake cause it's too much for the two of us... crazy ar... later tmw he wana eat baskin robbin again... two days in a row ice-cream? confirm fat like shit whey =P but oh well.. =P

im exhausted....
on the bright side, tmw is merdeka eve! ;)
Woo hoo.. alrite.. im not that's jus that tmw will be a fun nite... *winkz*
rite jason lim? ;)


Outrages! Uber unbelievable !
I cant believe it!
Maybe i do need changes in my life..
But i cant bring myself to get out from my comfort zone..

All i can think right now is, WHY ?
Why is it so hard to just accept it and deal with it...
Pushing me further will not benefits any of us...

I cant take it..
I don't understand why is it so fcuking complicated.
Why cant the trust is put upon me.....

I just don't know im strong enough to go through it...
And do i have the courage to face it..

Shiet happens!

I dam kao hate him ....
Guys are jerks! and i mean what i say..
Guys only have themselves on their mind, friends, sleeping and eating!
They dont care what other people feel!
I dam fcuking hate people that behave this way! Dont realized the surroundings! WTF!
Go screw urself lar!
I fcuking hate him... i hate him super kao kao!

I finally update my blog. Been neglecting it for days.. The reasons? I got nothing interesting to blog about; i have not been going anywhere (if you count going to class everyday and eating in Pink counts?), i have not bought anything new and im frigging stress on my assignments.. Ugh!
I realised that Im ffk-ing alot of people recently.. SorrY peeps! :(
I ffk Sherve, KeL and Vonnie... But i know i ffk Sherve a lot of time.. Sorry babe :(( Forgive me? Dam!I feel dam bad... But .. but.. Monash assignments are killing me... Ughh! Im actually kinda social retard nowadays.. Hardly go out with my friends..And not forgetting ffk my friends.. SORRY :(( The only time i go out is with my parents for dinner on the weekends..I been spending more and more time with my 'rents.. Maybe cos im hoping to go Caufield nxt year.. and if i do get in, i might be there for 2 yrs.. 2 yrs without my mummy whey... =P Who am i gona lepas my anger on when im feeling moody ? =Pp Jk.. Im actually thinking bout the fact tat when im sick (i fall sick alot), and i have to be independent and yet trying to take care myself.. it's hard.. But anyway, getting my hopes too high is not good.. I doubt i can enter .. :( Oh well... and another reason is cause: No need waste money ma if eat with parents =PpP
Im not in the mood to go out anymore even shopping ! *gasp in horror* Kat not going shopping ?? Yea... im not in the mood... i rather stay at home and sleep or study... GOsh.. that sounds so geeky... =P Maybe cause i failed Econs last sem, it made me realised that i cant afford to fail anymore subject.. Cos i wana graduate in 3 years time.. If i fail, i might graduate in 3 and half years time... and that sucks badly !! =(
Sherve, I made it up with u next time for all the ffk ttime ya... :(
Speaking about going Aussie nxt yr... On tues, me, Jason, Alex, Yin and Ben were talking about going Aussie next year, if everything goes well.. (which means no any fail subjects this sem) *pray hard* Jason is planing to go Berwick campus... Me and Alex are planning to enter Caufield campus... But the downside, i cant do double major in Caufield campus... And im definitely doing double major; Finance and Accounting... Edwin told me that i can stil do double major in Caufield as long as i come back to monash in malaysia to graduate and not in Aussie.. hmmm... hmmm...
anyway, im getting back to my law... ughh...
And i got 8 am lecture tmw.. Double ughh....
toodles people...

p.s: sherve dear, hope u r alrite... :)

I was feeling super pissed last night.. and i was halfway typing a long post on how piss i am and how emo i felt at that time... but WeE called just on time when i was about to rant all my angerness, emoness and piss-ness ... I felt better after talking to him... :) He called at the right moment :) *thanx dear * anyway ............. I just gotto say it... Jason LiM is a GREAT and an AMAZING friend..., happy anot? He always said i bang him on my blog.... but i only did it because you alwis bully me =Pp Yesterday, in my business law lecture, which is at 8am-10am !! freakingg earlyyy.... two days in a row i have class at 8am... Arghh !! anyway, anyway... ;) as we ( MeL, Siu, Elaine, Jason and me) entered Audio7 for our law lecture and took a place in one of the benchie =p... all of sudden, he opened his bag, Esprit bag to be exact... since he said only cool people used Esprit bag ... and that Esprit bag he's using, only two people in Monash had it... He himself and Kian Hoong, Wee's twin ... *pfft* =p getting of the track... he open his bag and he stuck his hand in and i heard some plastic bag rustling... being me, i was curious to know what isit... so i keep saying, "what's that? i wana see!! " He was asking/saying to MeL and Siu, " we past by Famous Amos yesterday right?" I exclaimed, "oohhhh.. gummies ar??? " ;) And " i want! i want"... he then gave me the gummies.. but before handing it to me, he just had to say, " here is 100g of gummies which equivalent to ..... fats" -_- well Jason.. i dont care =P

Thanx for the gummies, Jason Lim ! :))

im lazy to take a picture of the gummies... im eating it as im typing it now.... :)) yummyyy.... hehe...
im exhausted........ im currently doing my econs.......

Im getting restless trying to read money and capital...  why so hard wan?
arghh.. my brain is super uber tired... keep yawning ... splashing cold water on my face to make myself stay awake... But hard... my mind is somewhere far.... somewhere like my bed :)
im super cranky today... There's this group of girls and guys in my marketing tutorial this morning which are dam dam dam annoying. .... early in the morning annoyed me like hell... im already super cranky... they HAD to ask STUPIIDDDDD questions... -_"" like OMGGG.... gosh... my first class of the day .. and they spoilt my mood.... I gets irritated easily for this past few days... i gets annoyed over small stuffs.... Im not a princess nor diva... maybe my period is due soon?!? That's what aaron said .... no wonder i gets emo easily.... and every small lil thing that doesnt matter seems annoying to me now... arghhh................................... and jason went out for lunch without telling me :/ I HATE YOU JASON LIM ! i know u reading ! =Pp Me and Wee went to KeL's place to chill.. miss her so much mann........... seeing her really made me happy.... why ? cos she talks shit with me.. LoLz.. and her laughter is uber contagious... when she laugh, beware... even if you dont get the joke, you will end up laughing because her laughter is contagious.. hehe.. you know we miss u in monash.. without ur contagious laughter, no one will laugh anymore. .wtf ... and now ur wtf had influenced me... and because of that, wee, edwin, zhi and aaron scold me ...... -_" i told them you said spread the love but aaron said spread the balls ! -_- while edwin and zhi said this is not spread the love, its spread the fuck.. so now i can only said wat the love.. not wtf... =( which sux without u there to defend me... =( anyway, went over to her place and we watched Just Like Heaven.. this is most prob my 3 or 4th time... but i still love it.. its so touching.. i just lurve touching stories... *sob* wee, i wann candiessssssssssssssss !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wheres my candiesssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ????? and that boy left his car keys in my bag... zhi had to fetch him to my house to get it... -_- wat the........ *rolls eyes*
goto get back to my studying.... kel, it was nice seeing u today !!! missing all the time in monash where i can alwis jus follow u back . *sighs*

Im piss.... i dont know why..........
Im listening to emo songs....till thinking about nonsense....
Arghh..a big sorry to those that if i accidentally scolded you guys... im jus feeling piss at this moment.. i dont know why... maybe cause i dont understand the stuff im reading for money and cap... or wait... i cant sleep..... :(( everyone is sleeping soundly... who should i disturb? my bestest fren Jason Lee is sleeping like a pig... i called him jus now and he asked me to call him back tmw morning -_""" and i bet WenZ is sleeping... and i know how much she needs her beauty sleep.. so i decided not to disturb her.... KEL is most prob be sleeping ... sighss... who is awake at this moment? so i can rant a lil on my mood swings..... :((( im getting fatter.. mummy said i need to eat less... waaaaaaaaaaaaa.............. *sulk* *sulk*
I just remembered who i can disturb at this moment.... hehee.... guess... guess hard... *giggles*
yessss.... WeE... im gona call him now and disturb him.. hehe.. =D he should know that i dont sleep earlyy.. hehee......... thank god for him... :) im a luckyy girl... *u un what i meant rite?* :)

toodles people... im gona bug him noww..
*pray that he can listen to his phone ringing*
niteyyyyy ...........

My mom woke me up at 9 plus in the morning today...She said, " if you want to repair your mp3, you better wake up now" .. i woke up and got ready and she came into my room telling me no need to go early cos she had to go her fren's house... WTF !! i were feeling so fcukking piss that moment.. fcukkk ! then why the fcuk you wake me up so early for... fcuking piss mann... arghh.... and my babyy is still not with me... babyyyyyyyyyyyyy.... where art thou ?? missing my babbyyy... without my baby, im so lost... babyyyyyyyyyyy :((

Yesterday was spent in 1u with Von, KeL, Justin, Way, Sab and Cheetah (new face)... =P missing KeL and Von so much =) Dear suprised me in the morning.. he came to my place at 11 plus in the morning? made me my milo kosong ais... thermos keep cold? -_"" lurvee the milo kosong ais dearr.. thanx :) * big squishy hugs* he left bout 12 plus as he had lecture at 1.. but that silly boy forgot to check his timetable and misread it.. so he had to be in uni alone till his next lecture at 3 .. i hope he's alone =P and not doing anything kinky? =PP i reached 1u at 4.45 .. hehe.. was doing econs assginment back at home =P hence, the late-ness. Met up in Guess.. Guess sales is kinda cheap... :) but didnt buy much.. im on budget :/ and i know mummy will nag me like hell if i were to buy anymore stuff in ermm Guess.. KeL, Von and Sab came just on time afta i grab some bags and desperately need girls opinion... :) Then, Jason came with Wee, Justin, Way and Cheetah.. That Jason fella is so mean.. say wana hang out with us.. but nv !! celaka sial =P Watched American Haunting.. I hate movie that based on real life kinda thing.. arghh. that show remind me of Exorcism of Emily Rose.. Shitttt.. but thank god its not as scary... if not, most prob, I will FORCE someone to stay in my house to accompany me.. yess, im a scaredy cat =P The movie is only bout 1 hour plus.. After movie, went to TopShop to see SherVe :) That gal is complaining how bitchy her boss is =P missing her lots.. :) After a lil topshop visit, we decided to go AC... to eat.. :) and Von, i eat .. :)) wee ate pan mee and i had popia.. hmmm, i got a thing for popia and spring rolls... ask KeL and Von if you dont believe.. 3 nights in a row eating popia ?=P oh well.. and i think von and sab were gross out by me and wee.. cos we ate chilli like nobody's business... hehe.... i lurveeeeee chilli... :)) and im dying for spicy foods.. after 3 weeks of eating foods with no chillies... wowww.... spicy foods ere i come ! =P
Wee sent Sab and KeL back home and drop me home after that ... *thanx dearr* even tho, u lazy to turn back to give me my babbyyy back.... :(( oh well... i hope my babyy is in good condition! and charge it if got no battery =P
and yess, i un why ur car had to start again... wait... actually, i dont un =P u evil....bully me... harsh to me... LoLz... went back home and after a shower, i dont feel like sleeping cos my baby is not with me... so, online and continue with my econs assignment :) oh well.... *shrugs*

And im still feeling piss... stupidddddddddddddddddd..... .i wana go repair my mp3 .............. arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..... fcukkkkkkkkkkk............................ and wee nv reply my msg...... i hate him.... where's my babyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ??????????

Yesterday was spent in my friend, Jean's house..
She was feeling uber down because of a HUGE fight with her darling..
Sighs.. Guys nowadays can be a pain in the ass at times ..
She was crying like mad :((
But the weirdest part bout her is that when she's emo or mad or sad, she cook!
Yesss... not cooking maggie mee kinda cook..
She started off by making some French toast tingy..
Then, she made lasagna..
Then, she made pasta..
Then, chicken salad..
Then, bake chocolate chip cookies and cheesecake ...
Gosh.. i wonder who's gona finish all these fattening foods -_"
But me helping her cook was a blast..
As you all know, i like cooking..
I lurveee cooking..
It's just that i dont cook at home cos my parents are so afraid to try the food i cook -_"
Not like i will poison them..
I thought she will be better after cooking all the foods but she still feel so emo..
And we started talking about emo stuff ...
And she started telling me what her darling did..
It got me thinking about some stuff..
And both of us emo -_""
Guess who end up finishing up all the foods?
me and her and her bf...
Yea, they did made up at the end..
Cos i cant stand her crying anymore and i called the bf and asked him to come over eventho she denied that she hate him and dont want to see his blardy face anymore(yes, her words).
But i know she wants to see him..
Kathryn the match maker =P
Anyway, i called her bf, which is my ex bf, good fren which bcome my good fren as well..
weird? hehee ...
and he came over and did the talking and stuff..
and they live happily ever after..
i love happy ending...
i love seeing couples happy :)
But sometimes guys are just TOO BLUR to realized stuff..
To make things alright..
*rolls eyes*
I came home feeling dam full and there goes my waistline =P
I came home happily but... but... something came up again./...
Arghhh.. i hate it wheyyy..
Make me emo again...
wtf... wtf...
i dam hate it when things occured but some people just dont realized it eventho the prob is coming from them.........
Not only that, but im not sure whether they are pretending to ignore the problem or the fact that they really dont know about it ?
Sometimes i really dont understand ...
Oh well... i guess i had to forget about it..

Anyway, today was a suprising day..
Went to JW Marriot for high tea with KC sis and oso 1 of his fren...
The foods was awesome.. I tried every single thing there and i end up too full again..
The awesome part was KC sis know one of the chef there and there are few chefs cooking some kinda food..
So we got chef cooking food for us........ :)
ok not technically cooking for us only but still..
How many guys nowadays can cook?
And no, not cooking maggi mee, or fried eggs or cooking white rice those kinda thing..
As in real meal..
I doubt so..
Guys cooking are just dam hot :)
KeL, remember Aaron the naked chef ?? =Pp
Guys should learn to cook !! :))
It's such a nice feeling when guys cook for you..
We talked for ages about stuff..
And both of them asking me about KC stuff..
There's nth much i can answer them...
Oh well...
At a point, it was kinda akward..
But i talked to them about everything ..
I feel better..
Much more better till i overeat AGAIN :(
Im feeling better...
Happier :)
Fatter :( :)
And i found out that buffalo is the silliest animal on earth..
Trust me..
Till then.. nitez ppl..

In your life, there's this study that is known as character study.....
Character study is when u study the behaviour and characteristics of a person..
Including yourself...
There are times when you tell yourself it is better to be yourself than to pretend to be someone else you are not....
And that's way you usually do..
You learn that you just have to be true to yourself...
That's all you need in your life..
But for the past few weeks, you learnt that being true to yourself is not enough..
People will just take a look at you and laugh...
Laugh at the silliness ........
I felt that the crazier you act, the worse you feel..

You spend lucnh time, watching those people pass by you..
Studying their character..
The way they behave..
You envy them for the carefree life...
You envy the girls because of their confidence..
You envy the guys for their friendship with each other...

And you realized that living life to the fullest is not enough.....
It's never enough....

You watch shows that makes you cry, not cos you adore all these shows..
it's cause you want to feel better after crying........
You watch horror movie because you want to hug that special someone of yours.......
You watch love shows because you feel that the shows always end up happily ever after..
Something you want but unable to get it..

You want to forget about it..
You want to forgive and forget..
But its not that easy..
You can forget about it
But the memories are still here.........
Everywhere you go, you remember it.......
You remember what and when you guys did at that certain place.......

You walked away feeling that the devil in you defeated you..
You feel worse..
But you just kept it to yourself..
Becasue you wouldnt want people to pity you..
And feeding you with craps...
Craps you get tired of listening........
And all you want to do is just ask them to fuck off........
But... but...

At times, you start to wander what you did wrong...
Why some people act this way........
Was it your fault or ??

I feel exhausted with all these..
I need a long break from everything..........

All nonsense questions keep popping up..
Questions that you felt that you need the answers to it
But ... sometimes you might think that its easier to just let it be.............

When you go crazy, do you KNOW you're going crazy?
Do you retain some objective part of yourself that watches it happen?
Or does the fact that you're still thinking coherently enought to wonder if you're going crazy mean you're still sane?
Who knows if all those nineteenth-century writers who ended up stark raving mad ever stopped to THINK,
"Hmmm,this poem is pretty out there, maybe i better take it easy on the opium for a while"
Or if Van Gogh said to himself, "gee, I wonder if chicks REALLY dig getting bloody, severed ears delivered to them in a box. Perhaps i should just stick to flowers and candy... Nah. Too unoriginal."
What brought this on ?
Well, in the past couple of days, I've pretty much convinced myself that I'm certifiable....
Otherwise, how could i possible explain my random infatuation with someone I don't know well or should i said someone opposite of me?
Maybe i havent been possessed with the urge to chop off any bodily appendages and give them to (insert word).
But i turn into a complete blithering idiot around .....
But then, maybe im not insane.
I did promise myself i'd make some changes in my life this year.
And if i've changed enough to fall for somebody like ..., maybe it just means there's more to me than bland, predictable Kathryn.
Then again, maybe i've just taken the first step on a road that ends with my ear in a box..

Stupid econs assignment !!!
This is the first thing that came into my mind..
I finished doing my econs..
But Kelly said the graphs might be wrong..
I dont give a shit anymore..
Im just gona go to uni tmw to take my frens graphs.. ;)
And come to think of it..
SHit, i duno i got enough print quota to print my assignments anot !!!!!
So here i am printing some of the assignments first...
And while waiting, why not blog ??
Had a quiet weekend...
I feel like sleeping right now...
Listening to Westlife-Miss you, Steven Curtis Chapman- I will Be Here...
Feeling emo + tired + cranky + having major headache & sorethroat...
Im still feeling confused...

Do you ever had that feeling that whenever you want that certain thing, you cant get it ??
The more you are craving for it, the more you cant get it...
Is it always true in your case??
Well, its true for mine...
I hate it !!
Aaron told me that i have to be more selfish sometimes ..
We cant always put others first..
Hmmm... i know..
But sometimes its better this way huhh ??
If you be selfish, people accuse you of being too selfish...
But if you don't, people take advantage of u..
Its hard...

Well, like they said, life is never easy huh ??

So live life to the fullest ;)

I cam-whore alot for the past few days..
My blog is going crazy...
Posting a pics take at least half an hour..

I think im coming down with a fever..

My printer run out of ink..
And to matter worse, its black ink...
There goes the idea of tryin to print some at home...
Today its just not my day !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Printer run out of ink..
Graphs not complete..
Mum nagging me for shopping alot..
Face breaking out
Having major headache..


Im currently drinking watermelon juice at 1.20 in the morning..
In an air-con room...
Frezzing my ass of..
Been raining heavily for the past hours...
Im kinda freaking out..
I need to get a glass of water ...
But im SCARED .........
Rain + Thunder + Dark = kathryn being a chicken..not a cat *ngeks*
I survive going out today without my straightener ....,
Yes... hehee........
I wana drink mojitos and malibu..
But but..
I got econs assignment to hand in on mon..
Hence, the staying in now..
A little voice inside me keep telling me, "responsibilit over fun"
And another devil voice will be, "Nah, jus screw ur responsibility and go chill for awhile"
But in the end i choose the first...
*beams proudly*

Oh by the way, those songs that im addicted to now in my last post were actually JASON's SONGS !!
Happy ??? :P
guys nowadays are so pape and sensitive.
*giving him the bimbo look*

Another thing, im kinda in my confuse mode...
yeaaa..... there's this 'thing' that kinda bugging me lately...
Well, i wil explain to u guys later on when i feel like it..
Cant risk it by posting it here...
Im so confusedddddddddddddddddddddddd..................
But yet im longing for it........
Im not making any sense here huh ?
well, ignore it then...

Last but not least, to those annoymous that read my blogs...
Im not trying to be rude but if my posts are whiny...
Then that's my problem..
If my posts are so negative..
I dun think that affect u right..
So just leave it..
It's my blog... I can write or do whatever i feel like it..
Am not trying to be rude...
It's just that when im having a really bad day and i come home to blog..
And i found a comment stating that my posts are whiny..
And that i should appreciate life more..

Lack of blogging lately...
Due to the piles of assignments that Monash forced us to do..
And oso my stupidd internet connection...
Hence, the lack of pics....
But loads of pics will be up soon... i promise !! :))
Im glad that my blog is able to load now..
I used to love Fridays... Notice the past tensed ?
Now i hate it...
I dont hate it that much until i curse those that love Fridays...
Don't get me wrong :P

I cant sleep...
I just had "Nestlo Ais" .... which is Milo and Coffee added together...
Being the virgin Nestlo drinker...
No.. scratch that... since i only drank that once and it was in the morning, i didnt know that it will cause me 'insomnia'.....
So here am i... blogging and doing my econs ........
Arghh... speaking of econs...
Econs assignment is due next week mon..
And im so clueless bout it...
Marginal cost, Average total cost, Average variable cost, etc etc....
Gosh... i dont know whats the difference between all these measures....
exams are less than a month away...
And im so not ready..........
Stress is making me feel UGLY ....
Stress is a very 'expensive'.... =((
It's making me FATTER, UGLIER and 10 TIMES MORE BROKE...
Kathryn needs $$$
On a brighter note, just talked to my bro...
I asked him to get my clothes, bags and accessories in supre and sports girl from aussie..
And he promised me he will get it for me !!!
So aussie clothes.... here i come !! Lolz..

Another random post, Friday is a bang Kathryn day...
Every Friday without failed !! im serious...
I think my forehead is stamp with "Please bully Kathryn"
Not only me.. but Kelly as well.........
Why oh why u guys have to bully us...
Like today...
I have only one lecture every Friday...
8-9am... Suprisingly, i can wake up..
But every friday, i wil be late for my lecture........
Traffic jam lar :PP
It's been a routine for me to go over to Kelly's every Friday to chill :))
And not forgetting our pan mee.....
Friday is our pan mee day.....
Thanx to JASON (yes, u... the one who reading tis, who called me a bimbo! :P ), who was supposed to pick me up today but was sleeping like a PIG .. so end up i had to find my own transport...
I kena bully..
By Zhi, Sherman..
I was happily drawing/sketching on the back of Zhi's notes :P ..
But they had to bang me..
Saying my rabbit looks like duno what.. my trees look like shit...
I was just drawing for fun wheyyy...........
And u, Jason, had to bully me as well..
Wat kind of ji mui man ?!?
But Kelly, as usual helped me...
I love u for that ... kekee
And Kelly... *Beep Beep* ???
hehee.. Lolz...

Im getting longing for fries....
But i vow to sleep more and eat less...

Im currently listening to Twista feat. Pitbull-get down hit the floor, wrexx n effect- rump shaker and ying yang twins-shake...
Thanx to Kelly, i got all t hese nice songs..
I listen to it once or maybe twice ..
Wasnt really aware of it till now !!

*dancing around in my room*


I felt that i had been betrayed ...
I do...
After a talk with one of my friend... (names should be annoymous), i realized that im so frigging dumb that i cant see past it...
She told me something about what my another supposed to be my friend did...
My first reaction when i heard it was, "WAT THE F*** IS SHE DOING?"
Im frigging piss at her .........
I thought she was my friend and still is my friend..
And i know me and her are not really good friends or anything but i help her whenever she needed me too..
Heck, she even f***ing lie to me when i was helping her at that time........
And i wanst that mad when i found out about it..
At that time, i was thinking that she had a good reason for not telling me the whole story...
She did that to me ??
And all these times when i asked her for help, did she helped me or the otehr way round?
Trying to make things worse??
What the F*** is wrong with her ?
Does she really enjoys seeing me sad? emo ??
OR she doesnt want me to be happer cos she's not happy ??
Wat the fuck is that mannn.........
I treated her as my real friends..
Someone whom i care deeply for...
Someone that i will spend every single living minute helping her..
Someone i believe has a good heart eventho there were rumours about her..

It's seriously dam f*** up man.......
I feel so used.......
And another thought occured to me...
Why i waste all my time treating someone so nice, someone i thought was my friend end up treating me this way?
Is it so dam f**** hard to just for once see me happy ??
Another random thought came into my mind,
wat if all along when i told her my probs, she's cooking up something...
If she's innocent, why wont she tell me ??
I mean, GOD, i told her what i did if it involves her...

Oh my gosh..........
I really dont want to know what happen...
I really dont want to know what she up to...

Im fucking hurt...
Fucking piss.........

How could she ??

Excuse the language .......... im not myself now........

Guys and their ego !!

Im not being sexiest with the title..
Read a post in Vonne's blog about the story betwwen a guy and his girlfriend..
It's seriously dam touching and sad.........
Read it and you will know why..
Reading it makes me comes up with few unanswered questions..

Why do guys always insist on doing stuff that he knows will hurt their other person feelings(or maybe he really don't?)?
Is saving your face really that important ??
What's up with hurting the girl another time when you know you had hurt her once??

These questions are not from my past experience or im being bitter aite?
im just curious.....

Not all guys are erm being not so nice..
But some of it are and im just curious to know why they are being like that..........


This is bad...
Im waking up early to do my assignments, which im still clueless about..
Im blogging while thinking a way to settle my assignments..
This is so so so bad..
Im so DEAD...
I don't know how to create demand curve using excel or words...
Hence, i got so frustrated that i sotp doing econs... hehehe
I want to start on my management but yet erm, i don't know how.. =/
Im so tired from yesterday Toyota Rev Party in Bar Savanh..
I know.. i know..
i shouldnt have went when there are assignments waiting for me..
But free entrance .... =D
This sat Tiesto ...
I must finish off my assignments before going !!!!!!!!!!!

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