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If you know me, I love to indulge myself.
In food or clothes or anything depends on the mood.
Yup I am a female so everything depends on my mood =P
But if I overindulge, I will be super broke!! 

Hence I am so grateful for wonderful colleague!

I only paid RM2.90 for my favourite After Eight Mint Chocolate :D 
Thanks to Jen.

Jen gave me this Pandora bracelet today!
Best start of the week! 
Ok technically the week start on Monday. But sometimes I have Tuesday blues too ok!
So Tuesday blue what?? 
Now who wants to buy me charms to add to my pandora bracelet?
Hahah. Jokes.

Okay. Time to sleep soon =)
Can't wait for my indulgences tomorrow!

Those Sweet Moments...

I think most people is aware that this year is a good year for marriages and proposals.
So many wedding invitations and proposals happened since the beginning of 2012! 
So happy for those that are getting married or engaged =)
But it definitely burn a hole in my wallet =(

Nevertheless, wishing all these couples all the best for the next chapter =)

Some of those happy moments that I've had been to =)

Attended Bobo's & Jo's engagement party.
What do you usually do at engagement party? 
Drink of course! :p

Bestie and I :)
The joke between us is always, Y U NO KAO ME?

Yinz & Alvin.
Smiling so brightly eh? :P

with my favourite person in the world =)
Both muka tipsy already :P

The girls that night :)
Most of them are taken so don't hope :p

Congrats Bobo & Jo :)
All the best for your next chapter! =)

Drink drank drunk (-.-)

Group picture. Picture stolen from the bride herself, Bobo

Some got so drunk that night that he fell asleep in the toilet (-.-) 
I thought I found dead body when I entered toilet. fml.

Another sweet moment I attended was a surprise proposal.
It took place at Tamarind Springs, Ampang.
Super sweet and romantic place.

Awaiting his fiancee :)

Awwww :))

The heng dais that night :)
Sorry a bit blur. Too hungry already! :p
Hence hand also shake!

The girls.
Aiyoh don't know who took this picture.
Phail as a photographer meh!

Congrats Mr & Mrs Yong :D

Dinner was fantastic but dam not filling =(
I swear I cannot go fine dining la. 
After dinner I am craving for Ramly Burger! :(

Hello July!

Hello July.
So far July has been a confusing month for me.
When you have too many choices, you are lost at which directions you should go.
But when you don't have choices, you will go,
Aaah fuck this la. Why so suey one my life.
Yup. Life is like this. Embrace it. =)
Still thinking to take a step out of this comfort zone or perhaps will I make the right move.
How do people make decisions? 
Share with me on how you know you will make the right choice?

Started my first July weekend with..... 

All Sze Chuan flavor food =)
Love and hate relationship with Sze Chuan food.
It has the spicy taste I lurrrve but the after taste of your tongue feeling numb that I hate.
How you tell me! 
So hard to please me meh!!! =P

But like one of the quotes on Twitter stated,

When life gives you lemons, take them. Free shit is cool.

Ohhhhhh my every weekend indulgences.

I am such a Starbucks fan that my colleagues always goes up to me and say,
Yau Starbucks? 
/grins cheekily =)

Time for nap!
Aaah feeling the blues already!


First week of July had come and gone. Half  of 2012 had gone!
What have you achieve so far? 
As for me, hmmmm.. Ups and downs throughout the first quarter of 2012 but..
I am still being positive :) 
*well, The Secret taught me to be positive at any time of the day*

Last week of June was spent meeting up with my little muimui and the ex boyfriend and his gf.
Tried the awesome steamboat + BBQ + dishes at one of Ivan's friend shop.
The only steamboat place that opens until 4am! :)
So please go try if you are around that area.

41-G Jalan 10/116B Kuchai Entrepreneur Park,
58200, Jalan Kuchai Lama.

Facebook page here: 

Oh get 15% off when you head over there and mention Ivan Lee's name :)

After a late night dinner. Yup we makan at 930pm until 1030pm (-.-)
These people eat dinner so dam late and when I complaint, they all gave me the,
"You think we finish work so early?!?!?! You think no need to work???!"
Okay geez. I get the drift :( But I believe it's all about time management.
haha. I kid =P

Because it is so near Scott's Garden, made plans to meet up with Randy & Nik at Afterwerk.

me loves her like a love song baby =)
Aaah both of us are stressing out on the bridesmaid plans in December.
I need to lose weight.
I need to save money for 2 dresses and 2 heels.
But we are so excited for our Ame.
Talked to Ame about this 2 years back and finally it is time :) 
I swear I am going to cry during her wedding.
Well, both Nik & I will definitely cry /shy

Nik, me, Evelyn & as usual Randy photo bombing. (=.=)
Evelyn is the ex future wife. So happy for them.
Gosh this year is really jam packed with weddings to attend.
Yayaya good year to get married but no need all at one go is it.
Painful to my wallet okay =( 
The amount of dresses I must purchase.
Makeup. Hair-do. And angpaus. 
/slit wrists

Oh and an unglam picture of me lah.

Eyes that are so small it looks like one straight line =.=
And tummy. =( 
But oh well. I am embracing my unglam moment!!! :D

Ok bye. 
Hope your first quarter of the 2012 is a good one =)

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