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“Never hastily conclude that you’ve lost the war just because the battle seems to have taken a turn for the worse. Sometimes you may need to back off for awhile, but that no way means the game is over. A little strategic withdrawal can work wonders. Not only does the river of life take new twists and turns every day, allowing random factors to turn in your favor, but it also gives the one you want a chance to let down their guard. It also gives you time to reassess your strategy and to focus on some self-improvement while preparing for your next encounter. The only real mistake you can make is to conclude your setback is permanent.”

" The person that makes you cry the most is not worth it. No man is worth your tears. If he really loves you, he would not make you cry.Tears of joyness maybe.But not tears of sorrows."

" If loving a person is so hard, let it go. It's better to let go then to make both party suffer."

"It's better to fall in love and let go than not to be loved at all"


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