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HeLLo Short Hair.. Good bye Long Hair

I got my hair cut today !
Supposingly a trim but end up kinda short..
Im missing my old hair..
I look like a small girl now.. :(((
And yess, my hair is still light brown.. like what wenZ said, i love my light brown too much =P
But i did cut my hair short ...and you can notice the difference Wen!! not like last time, whenever i cut my hair, she will said that it will end up like never cut ! -_-
So wen, u owe me starbuck drinks for cutting my hair short? =PpP hehe
i kinda regret 'trimming' my hair... cos it end up so short...but oh well, it's good to look like a small kid.. cos then i can act childishly without ppl saying, "mature abit lar" =P
And i dam bengang when my cousins tell me this,
" hair short good ma, so when you make out with you guy that time, it wont get in the way"
riteeee.....riteee.. wtf =P
Anyway, i lazy to do the before and after pictures tingy.. im just gona post the after picture!those that know me will know what's my before hairstyle like :)

my weird short hair........ :(((


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