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Morally, lying is wrong- or so I'm told.
Men lie not to get ahead but for reasons of self-preservation.
Think of it as social Darwinism.
Women developed makeup; men evolved lies.
I've encountered many stories of verbal landmines where men are doomed even before answering.
Why men lie?
I bet this is the answer many women would want to know.
And until today, i dont know why.
Some of my guy friends said they lie especially to their gfs just to protect them and dont want them to get hurt -_"
This is dam nonsensical and sadistical to me !
Sometimes, some might think lying is good..
But you know what?
Lies are bad..

Another random thought creep into my mind..
Labels and the truth.
Yea, i know some ppl said DJ girls are bimbo and everyting and link it to the truth without getting to know them.
But labels are just as bad as lying.
And i wonder whether labels and truths are link.
At times, i feel dumb.
In navigating my life.
I label myself as naive because i trust people too easily.
Im gullible because i believe that everyone is good.
Im actually alright with the fact that im naive and gullibe at times.
Because no harm believing in the good side of people right?
But yesterday made me think that maybe it's not good.
I'm hurt the fact that i trusted everyone but they dont.
To me trust and faith are important in anything and everything.
Without trust and faith, i felt that it's kinda useless in ........
I rambling...

Sometimes when i have one of those days when everything falls apart,
And i have no idea what to do about it,
I just wish for an understanding and consideration..
But i guess that's pretty hard to get it..

I'm tired of saying i dont care when actually i do care on what people talked about ..
Im tired of saying wuteva,forget about it when i cant.. i know i will stay up thinking about it..
I'm tired of trying to act as if everything is alright just to please the other party when i know i wil be the one that suffer.
I'm tired of be the middle person.
I'm tired of trying to make everything alright when i know it's not gona be alright.
I'm tired of trying not to cry and b strong because once you cried, ppl will think you are weak and whats the use of crying when everyone will just take it as another PMS day.
I'm tired of me understanding everyone but no one understand me..

If you only knew.......
I'm just ranting out some stuff..
I been thinking too much lately..
Been rethinking about some stuff..
Excuse the post if you guys want..

Im off to .....


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