What is love? Love is a mutual feelings between two person.. It may seem like it so wonderful but in the real world, love is not as magical and wonderful as it seems.. Trust me !! i know it...
There are times when love causes heartache, endless sleepless night, cranky and feelin so negative bout everyting...
Y does loving someone be so hard ?
Y does falling in love seem so magical at 1st but turns sour at the end?
Y falling in love can cause so much pain?
Since young, i thought falling in love is something magical, wonderful...
Yes, it is wonderful.. at the beginning... but when it reach the climax or the end, it does not turns out the way u want...
Y is tat so? No one can escape from this feelings...
Stupid ? yes.. but it is part of our human cycle...
Love is causing everyone pain, heartache, sadness, negative aura,... etc etc...
If i know loving someone is so hard , then i choose not to fall in luv...
But if i dun fall in love, then i won't know the feeling of fallin in luv where ur smiles eems brighter, ur complexion seems clearer, ur cheeks seem pinkier...
I guess falling in love is good if u found the perfect partner...
Love is patient,
Love is not selfish,
Love is something that makes us stronger and yet can makes ur weaker,
Love is wonderful,
Love is around us...
So tell me what is love to you ... ??